CFD: Numerical and experimental Flow Analyses in many industries

For all development projects around fluid mechanical questions we offer a comprehensive and detailed analysis of problems plus fluid mechanical optimization under conclusion by multi-disciplinary boundary conditions.

We handle projects from many sectors, such as aerospace, regenerative energy, medical, pharmac and food, process and plant engineering, mechanical and apparatus engineering, automotive as well as hydraulics and fluid technology.

Simulation lab: We are using state-of-the-art tools and have access to all known CFD codes and CAE-Tools: ANSYS CFX// ANSYS FLUENT// ANSYS ICEM, FIELDVIEW, FLOW-3D, OPEN FOAM, POINTWISE, PREON LAB, RHINO, SOLID WORKS, SPACE CLAIM, SIMERICS MP, STAR CCM+.

Model sizes up to 109 control volumes are possible.

In addition we cooperate with the Belgian company AirShaper and offer our customers a DIY tool for external flows, a cloud based fluid mechanics platform