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Project PRESTIGE: In-situ visualization of flow processes in very large CFD calculation models
Industrial HPC User Round Table (iHURT)
At the 3rd Industrial HPC User Round Table (iHURT) on 3 December 2019, a joint event of SICOS BW GmbH and the High Performance Computing Centre Stuttgart (HLRS), current and future users of clusters and high performance computers (…)
Investor meeting in China
The Managing Director of CFD Consultants GmbH, Dr. Volker Kassera, participated in the 10th Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention on Technology Innovation and Cooperation & Overseas Chinese Entrpreneurs Industrial Development Forum in Yantai in the Chinese province of Shandong on 29.10.2019.
The aim of the participation was…
“Freezing” instruments due to new acoustics?
Anyone who has ever attended a concert – whether Philharmonic or rock concert – has experienced that such a concert is a pleasure for (almost) all our senses. For an unforgettable experience you want, no, you have to feel, see and above all hear the music.
This is especially true for
CFD Consultants GmbH joins Medical Valley Hechingen network
CFD Consultants GmbH is looking forward to the cooperation with the competence network Medical Valley Hechingen, an association of about 45 innovative companies from the field of medical technology, their suppliers and service providers in the Hechingen area and the entire Neckar-Alb region. By joining the network, there are numerous opportunities for cooperation at the […]
CFD in medicine: How flow calculations can help patients with cerebral aneurysms.
A cerebral aneurysm is a sack-like bulge in the vascular wall of a brain artery. According to the German Stroke Foundation (DSG), about 1.5 million people in Germany live with a brain aneurysm. In most people, the aneurysm remains undetected for the rest of their lives. Aneurysms can remain completely inconspicuous, but also (…)
Dr. Volker Kassera appointed to the NAFEMS CFD Advisory Board
The managing director of CFD Consultants GmbH, Dr. Volker Kassera, was appointed to the NAFEMS Computational Advisory Board (CAB) for Germany, Austria and Switzerland (DACH) in the middle of this year.
NAFEMS is an international organization promoting the safe and reliable application of simulation methods such as Finite Element Method (FEM) and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). NAFEMS was originally (…)
AirShaper – Aerodynamics made easy: Virtual wind tunnel
CFD Consultants GmbH offers its customers, together with the Belgian startup AirShaper, a cloud based fluid mechanics platform. The platform operates like a virtual wind tunnel and is very suitable for the fast calculation of external flows in the early stages of the design process. Due to its high degree of automation and smart algorithms, […]
Workshop “CFD-Postprocessing – Analyse großer Datensätze”
Die CFD Consultants GmbH bietet seit über 20 Jahren Dienstleistungen und Technologieberatung zum Thema Strömungstechnik und numerische Strömungssimulationen. Profitieren Sie von dieser Erfahrung! Wir möchten Sie auf unseren nächsten CFD-Workshop mit dem Thema „CFD-Postprocessing – Analyse großer Datensätze“ am 5.11.2019 aufmerksam machen. Neben der Analyse großer Datensätze sind die Automatisierung des Workflows, benutzerdefinierte Feldgrößen, Bestimmung […]
Workshop “CFD-Preprocessing”
Die CFD Consultants GmbH bietet seit über 20 Jahren Dienstleistungen und Technologieberatung zum Thema Strömungstechnik und numerische Strömungssimulationen. Profitieren Sie von dieser Erfahrung! Vor der eigentlichen Strömungssimulation müssen Geometriedaten aufbereitet werden und das Berechnungsgebiet vernetzt werden. Oft stellt dieses Preprocessing einen zeitintensiven Arbeitsschritt dar, in welchem ferner die Weichen für eine erfolgreiche CFD-Simulation gestellt werden. […]