CFD Postprocessing in companies
In a company that deals with numerical flow simulations (CFD), the question of a suitable tool for displaying the calculation results quickly arises.
The large providers of flow simulation software, such as ANSYS CFX, ANSYS Fluent, FLOW-3D®, OpenFOAM or STAR-CCM+ each offer internal program options for the evaluation and visualization of simulation results. However, engineers in companies often use different solvers to accomplish the various calculation tasks.
In order to ensure an effective workflow, software tools are available which are able to process calculation results independently of the solver.
As a service provider for flow simulations, we have been using FIELDVIEW from Intelligent Light for more than 20 years. We appreciate FIELDVIEW’s ease of use, the high degree of automation possibilities when comparing calculation results of geometry variants and the handling of large and very large amounts of data in client-server mode.
The current version FIELDVIEW 18 is characterized by improved performance, more data analysis options, and significantly enhanced display options. By specifying materials and the ability to display reflections, photorealistic representations of geometry can now be coupled with the complete range of flow analysis results.